World leaders talk about wind propulsion at One Ocean Summit

Posted on February 11, 2022 at 7:34 p.m. by

The Maritime Executive

[By: International Windship Association]

Following the very well-received Wind Propulsion Forum at One Ocean Summit this morning, International Windship Association Secretary General Gavin Allwright made a number of recommendations and a call to action for policy makers and world leaders attending the summit. The key elements of this statement are:

“During the forum we have already heard calls for an appropriate level of carbon pricing and levies to be introduced to the shipping industry, these are very clear so I won’t take the time to repeat them now.

Crucially, we need to fully integrate the potential of wind-powered ships into international and European institutions, to further improve ocean protection and urgently meet decarbonisation commitments by adopting a “resource-centric approach”. propulsion or energy rather than a narrow approach on fuel”. centred’.

To this end, actively support the development of the texts of the International Maritime Organization so that wind propulsion is considered in the same way as alternative fuels and is placed at the heart of the decarbonization trajectory of maritime transport. Also, promote direct wind energy for maritime transport in European policies dedicated to the greening of the fleet, including in proposals currently under discussion such as Fuel EU Maritime and the wider “Fit 55” programme.

Another key recommendation is concrete, that of deploying a fleet of wind-powered vessels in island territories that are extremely vulnerable to climate change and which will face the challenges of the availability and cost of alternative fuels – in particular the islands of the Pacific, but also the territories of the Caribbean and many other less developed regions and small island developing states. This fleet will be a strong factor in building resilience in these regions and will be a symbol of international solidarity and commitment to a “just transition” in the ocean sphere.

Your national, regional and international support for the research, development and deployment of direct wind propulsion systems and ships will send a clear and unequivocal message that urgent and deep reductions in ship emissions are not only possible this decade, but affordable and hugely beneficial to the blue economy and ocean environment.
As we call it, a Win, Win, Wind situation for all!

The three-day One Ocean Summit will take place from February 9-11 and was convened by the French President as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the support of the United Nations.

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