CPI 2021 for Western Europe and the European Union:…

Despite overwhelming stagnation in the region, some countries are stepping up their anti-corruption efforts.

Estonia (74) gained 10 points since 2012 and continues to make progress with a comprehensive anti-corruption plan for 2021-2025 and new guidelines on lobbying, revolving doors and conflict of interest. Nonetheless, the country is not exempt from those profiting from the COVID-19 crisis, as evidenced by allegations of high-level corruption that brought down the government exactly a year ago or health workers put under investigation for selling vaccination certificates.

Significant improvements over the past decade also include Italy (56, compared to 42 in 2012) and Greece (49, compared to 36 in 2012), which have reaped the benefits of anti-corruption reforms. Even so, these countries remain among the worst performers in the region. Legislative gaps need to be filled urgently for lobbying and beneficial ownership in Italy and access to information and party funding in Greece.

SlovakiaThe progression of (52) stands out among its immediate neighbors. The country’s success stems from improved whistleblower protection, greater transparency in the selection of senior officials, and the increased independence and better performance of the judiciary and police in investigations. on former senior officials for corruption offences. For this improvement to become sustainable, the government should strengthen the independence and professionalism of the prosecution and police agencies and implement existing standards of transparency in all public appointments.

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